Crochet Floral Bouquet


Please choose 5 flowers for your bouquet: -Rose -Cappuccino Rose -Memorial Rose -Tulip -Blooming Tulip -Sunflower -Snowberry -Tung Blossom -Pompon -Carnation -Hibiscus -Freesia -Geranium -Lavender

🌸 Create Your Own Beautiful Crochet Floral Bouquet! 🌸


  • Choose 5 unique flowers from our wide selection

  • Handcrafted with love and attention to detail

  • No need to worry about wilting! These flowers will last a lifetime

  • Perfect for any occasion: birthdays, anniversaries, home decor, or just because!

🌿 Optional Vase: Add an elegant vase to display your bouquet at an additional price, designed to complement your floral arrangement.

Order yours today and bring home a bouquet that will never fade! 🌷💐